Vet Pathol. 2011 Oct 12. [Epub ahead of print]
Myocardial Toxicity in a Group of Greyhounds Administered Ractopamine.
Yaeger MJ, Mullin K, Ensley SM, Ware WA, Slavin RE.
Ractopamine, a synthetic β(2)-adrenoceptor agonist, is widely used as a feed additive in the United States to promote a reduction in body fat and enhance muscle growth in cattle, pigs, and turkeys. It has the potential for illegal use in show and racing animals because it may affect performance via its β-adrenergic agonist properties or anabolic activities. Nine greyhounds were orally administered 1 mg/kg of ractopamine to investigate the ability to detect the drug in urine. Postdosing, 7 of 9 dogs developed cardiac arrhythmias and had elevated troponin levels indicating myocardial damage. One dog necropsied 4 days postdosing had massive myocardial necrosis, mild to focally moderate skeletal muscle necrosis, and widespread segmental arterial mediolysis. A second dog necropsied 17 days postdosing had mild myocardial necrosis and fibrosis. Scattered arteries exhibited segmental medial and perimedial fibromuscular dysplasia. This is the first reported case of arterial, cardiac, and skeletal muscle damage associated with ractopamine.
[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
A. 擬製造或輸入動物用生物藥品之研究開發概要。
B. 製造種菌(毒)株之名稱、來源、性狀、繼代及保存方法。
C. 製造方法概要。
D. 檢驗方法(包括特性試驗、無菌試驗、微生物含量試驗、純度(潔)試驗、安全試驗、效力試驗或力價試驗等)。
E. 實驗室試驗報告。(包括疫[菌]苗開發各項基礎試驗、保存、安全、效力試驗等)
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