下列為摘錄自美國米尼蘇達大學Dr. Connie Gebhart在2006年國際養豬專業獸醫師大會(IPVS)上報告的部份內容 (這位學者針對這細菌的研究發表文獻篇數相當多;關於他的介紹,請上下列網頁http://www.cvm.umn.edu/researchandgradprog/gradprograms/VMGP/faculty/gebhart/home.html)
In the U.S., the most common treatments include tylosin, tiamulin, lincomycin, chlortetracycline, and carbadox delivered orally in feed. Injectable antibiotics (such as tylosin and lincomycin) and in-water medications (such as tylosin, tiamulin and lincomycin) are preferred. For endemic PIA in growing pigs, common treatments include tylosin, tiamulin, lincomycin, chlortetracycline, carbadox and aivlosin in the feed. Severe chronic clinical disease manifested as wasting pigs with or without necrotic enteritis will require the use of in-water or injectable formulations. Controlled field trials suggest that incorporation of in-feed or water-soluble antibiotics for control achieves best results if given just prior to the peak period of L. intracellularis infection. Because infection and PE disease can vary in the time of onset on different farms and between groups on the same farm, in-feed antibiotics for treatment might be added too late to stop clinical signs and poor performance. Alternatively, if antibiotics are added too early, some pigs may not get the chance to develop active immunity to the disease and may remain naïve and susceptible to later severe acute PE.