發表於 2013-10-11 21:03:02
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生物科技組 副研究員
窩內出生活仔率與出生窩重為遺傳正相關(0.22 to 0.55),與窩內出生重差異(整齊度)為遺傳負相關(-0.18 to -0.52)。對於出生窩重輕的品系選拔活仔率是可行的,提高出生個重或窩重均可提高活仔率。因此每個品系選拔適當出生重且窩內整齊度高,對整體仔豬存活與生長可得到最大的改善(Kapell et al., 2011)。
J Anim Sci. 2003 Mar;81(3):604-10.
Genetic parameters for within-litter variation in piglet birth weight and change in within-litter variation during suckling.Damgaard LH, Rydhmer L, Løvendahl P, Grandinson K.
SourceDanish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics. P.O. Box 50, DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark. [url=mailto ars.damgaard@agrsci.dk]Lars.damgaard@agrsci.dk[/url]
AbstractThe objective of this study was to ascertain whether maternal additive genetic variance exists for within-litter variation in birth weight and for change in within-litter variation in piglet weight during suckling. A further objective was to estimate maternal genetic correlations of these two traits with mortality, birth weight, growth, and number of piglets born alive. Data were obtained from Lövsta research station, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and included 22,521 piglets born in 2,003 litters by 1,074 Swedish Yorkshire sows. No cross fostering was used in the herd. The following seven traits were analysed in a multivariate animal (sow) model: number of piglets born alive, within-litter SD in birth weight, within-litter SD in piglet weight at 3 wk of age, mean weight at birth, mean weight at 3 wk of age, proportion of stillborn piglets, and proportion of dead piglets during suckling. Maternal genetic variance for the change in within-litter SD in piglet weight during suckling was assessed from the estimated additive genetic covariance components by conditioning on within-litter SD in birth weight. Similarly, mean growth of piglets during suckling was assessed from the additive genetic covariance components by conditioning on mean weight at birth. The heritability for within-litter SD in birth weight was 0.08 and 0.06 for within-litter SD in piglet weight at 3 wk. The genetic correlation between these two traits was 0.71. Little maternal genetic variance was found for the change in within-litter SD in piglet weight during suckling, and opportunity for genetic improvement of this trait by selective breeding seems limited. The genetic correlation of within-litter SD in birth weight with proportion of dead piglets during suckling was 0.25 and of within-litter SD in birth weight with mean growth of piglets was -0.31. The maternal genetic variance and heritability found for within-litter SD in birth weight indicates that genetic improvement of this trait by selective breeding is possible. In addition, selection for sows' capacity to give birth to homogeneous litters may be advantageous for piglet survival, piglet growth, and litter homogeneity at weaning.
Prev Vet Med. 2002 Dec 18;56(2):119-27.
Neonatal-piglet weight variation and its relation to pre-weaning mortality and weight gain on commercial farms.Milligan BN, Dewey CE, de Grau AF.
SourceDepartment of Population Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph, N1G 2W1, Ont, Canada. bmilliga@uoguelph.ca
AbstractTo determine the effect of within-litter neonatal-weight variation on pre-weaning mortality and weight gain, we analyzed piglet survival and weight gain within 400 litters from 10 commercial farms. Neonatal-weight variation (independent of mean neonatal weight, litter size and sow parity) was associated with pre-weaning survival and weaning-weight variation-but not with mean weaning weight. Neonatal piglets with weights well below the range of most of the litter (low-birth-weight piglets) had an increased risk of dying and were unable to obtain normal weight gains by weaning if they survived. These piglets experienced lower survival and poorer weight gain in larger litters. These piglets also tended to have lower survival but normal (albeit low) weaning weights if they survived in litters from middle-aged and old sows. High neonatal-weight variation resulted in lower survival and more variable weaning weights. Small piglets had a greater risk for poor survival and weight gain compared to their heavier litter-mates (a disadvantage that was exacerbated in large litters).
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