法裔加拿大籍的 Pierre Loisel於1964年來台,在輔仁大學教授工程學,他的造訪使當時的迷你電腦技術 也隨他遠渡重洋流入台灣,意外使他成為了造就台灣IT產業強國的推手。
於1991年時爆發的一場生態危機卻讓Pierre揮別電腦界,投入環保陣營,他發現 由於台北都會區的垃圾場已全數停業,在沒有規劃焚化爐的情況下,他位於海邊的住處放眼 望去全都是垃圾,儼然是一片遭垃圾海包圍的孤島,在嘗試規畫社區焚化爐後, Pierre找到了一個有效減少垃圾量的妙方:「廚餘回收」,如今,全台各地都採用他 的聰明環保設計。 Pierre的創意無限,目前他更進一步於模範農場中推廣他的「廚餘施肥法」,也希望 未來能有更多人能追隨他的環保理念。
A French Canadian coming to Taiwan in 1964 to teach engineering at Fujen University ended up bringing the mini-computer technology to this island, which resulted in Taiwan being a worldwide leader in IT industry. After retiring from computer in 1991, a crisis got him to get involved in environmental issues: all the garbage dumps of the Taipei area were closed, and with no incinerators, his house at the beach got surrounded by garbage. After experimenting with a community incinerator, he found a solution by collecting the food waste from the households, composting it, and recycling the rest. Today the whole of Taiwan follows this model. And now he is promoting a new agriculture with his model farm using this very unique and rich compost.