20. 毛豬交易行情 | 20. Wholesale Prices of Hogs | | | | | | | | | 年 (月) 別 Year (Month) | 交易頭數 | 交易重量 | 交易平均重量 | 交易價格 | 冷凍廠屠宰頭數 | (頭) | (公噸) | (公斤/頭) | (元/百公斤) | (頭) | Number
(Head) | Weight
(M.T.) | Average Weight (Kg/Head) | Price
(N.T.$/100kg) | Number at Refrigerated Butchery (Head) | | | | | | | | | 91年 | | 2002 | 8,048,308 | 908,091 | 112.83 | 4,336 | 2,287,956 | 92年 | | 2003 | 7,618,503 | 872,166 | 114.48 | 5,298 | 1,964,141 | 93年 | | 2004 | 7,526,989 | 871,098 | 115.73 | 5,912 | 2,033,951 | 94年 | | 2005 | 7,755,859 | 902,162 | 116.32 | 5,323 | 2,498,088 | 95年 | | 2006 | 7,882,570 | 923,522 | 117.16 | 4,918 | 2,600,777 | | | | | | | | | 96年 | | 2007 | 7,750,895 | 911,273 | 117.57 | 5,146 | 2,645,008 | 97年 | | 2008 | 7,168,902 | 858,261 | 119.72 | 6,566 | 2,072,281 | 98年 | | 2009 | 7,241,546 | 860,006 | 118.76 | 6,343 | 2,055,497 | 99年 | | 2010 | 7,111,245 | 849,083 | 119.40 | 6,899 | 2,058,092 | 100年 | | 2011 | 7,237,128 | 872,074 | 120.50 | 7,157 | 2,187,429 | | 2月 | Feb. | 386,340 | 46,496 | 120.35 | 7,014 | 122,374 | | 3月 | Mar. | 653,755 | 79,582 | 121.73 | 7,028 | 217,061 | | 4月 | Apr. | 598,049 | 72,926 | 121.94 | 7,058 | 192,352 | | 5月 | May | 607,544 | 73,416 | 120.84 | 7,120 | 180,722 | | 6月 | June | 546,483 | 64,802 | 118.58 | 7,252 | 155,943 | | 7月 | July | 559,571 | 65,901 | 117.77 | 7,514 | 153,327 | | 8月 | Aug. | 590,639 | 68,632 | 116.20 | 7,308 | 164,330 | | 9月 | Sep. | 601,459 | 69,781 | 116.02 | 7,224 | 176,156 | | 10月 | Oct. | 607,363 | 71,462 | 117.66 | 7,214 | 190,357 | | 11月 | Nov. | 628,057 | 75,128 | 119.62 | 7,053 | 204,702 | | 12月 | Dec. | 618,489 | 74,367 | 120.24 | 7,020 | 212,928 | 101年 | 1-2月 | 2012 Jan.-Feb. | 1,231,665 | 148,668 | 120.71 | 6,468 | 374,016 | | 1月 | Jan. | 631,948 | 75,739 | 119.85 | 6,856 | 174,583 | | 2月 | Feb. | 599,717 | 72,902 | 121.56 | 6,080 | 199,433 | 當月較上月增減(%)
Current Month vs. Last Month (%) | -5.10 | 0.00 | 1.43 | -11.32 | 14.23 | 當月較上年同期增減(%)
Current Month vs. the Same Period of 2008 (%) | 55.23 | 0.00 | 1.01 | -13.32 | 62.97 | 本年累計較上年同期增減(%)
Jan.-Current Month vs. the Same Period of 2008 (%) | 4.97 | 0.00 | 0.23 | -9.24 | 10.15 | 註:自86年4月起外銷屠宰頭數改為冷凍工廠屠宰頭數。 | | | | | 資料來源:自93年元月起交易行情係指透過家畜(肉品)批發市場交易之行情。 | | | | Note:As from April 1997, the number of butchered heads of the hogs for export has been changed to the number of the butchered heads of hogs | done at refrigerated butchery. | | | | | Source:Wholesale Price refers to the Transaction Price in the Wholesale Market of livestock (Meat products) . | | | | | | | | | | |