樓主: tomcatto



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發表於 2012-3-23 19:55:52 | 顯示全部樓層
tomcatto 發表於 2012-3-23 19:36
根據英國市調公司 Mintel International Group Ltd最新調查預估,

有機肉品在未來五年內將以穩定的幅度 ...

請問 美國豬添加瘦肉精 算有機嗎?

升級   68.11%

 樓主| 發表於 2012-3-23 20:11:44 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 tomcatto 於 2012-3-23 20:15 編輯
豬小弟弟 發表於 2012-3-23 19:55
請問 美國豬添加瘦肉精 算有機嗎?


100%無生長激素, 無抗生素, 無荷爾蒙.



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發表於 2012-3-24 02:55:56 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 蘇少儀 於 2012-3-23 14:05 編輯

Last spring Wal-Mart announced it would start selling organic food. Their stated goal is to sell a large selection of organic products at just 10 percent over the cost of similar non-organic products. This story has been covered by large news organizations such as The New York Times and Business Week.
The idea of big box stores selling organic products is pulling some people in two directions. In one direction, the publicity organic food gets with announcements like this can be a good thing. The more people who come to view organic food, and other products, as a mainstream choice, the bigger the market for these products becomes. On the other hand, the bigger the market becomes, the more pressure there will be to change the supply chain of organics. If Wal-Mart is going to sell organic products at just 10 percent over their regular prices, something might have to give.
My concern is that what will give are things like the certification process or where organic food is grown. Wal-Mart may find that the easiest way to lower the cost of organically grown food is to lobby for reduced certification requirements and standards, and to buy from suppliers in the same third world countries where they buy or manufacture most of their other products. I do agree with Wal-Mart that the much higher cost of organic food versus conventionally produced food is a problem that limits the wider acceptance of organic products. Addressing these higher costs is a topic for another post, however.

Read more: http://willtaft.com/wal-mart-organic-food/#ixzz1py7u7yJ0

1. 這是節錄自一篇2008年6月12日的報導(因此有那些沃瑪仍銷售有機食品.
2. 那就...........網站上看Walmart的有機貨價品項,看到的全都是加工製品掛有機,有機棉花製的棉被,有機水果製的果汁..................,可見有機食品對大型超市的供應鏈有困難.
3. 通常有機認證食品的價格約較一般食品高出50%,而文中對沃瑪只提高10%這句話"If Wal-Mart is going to sell organic products at just 10 percent over their regular prices, something might have to give."很有意思,如果沃瑪銷有機產品的價格只增加10%,就一定必須犠牲.......
4. 再者,作者所關切的課題;Wal-Mart may find that the easiest way to lower the cost of organically grown food is to lobby for reduced certification requirements and standards, and to buy from suppliers in the same third world countries where they buy or manufacture most of their other products.沃瑪可能想得到的,降低有機生產食品的成本,最簡單的方法就是遊說認證機構降低有機生產相關標準及要求以及從第三世界國家購買大多數的品項...........................


What really needs to be talked about when discussing the entry of big box stores into the organic market is this….. Many people think of organic as meaning more than grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. Organic food, in particular, has meant food produced in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner. Organic food producers have typically included a higher percentage of people with a commitment to responsible production methods. This has already changed a bit with the entry of larger companies into the market, but organic food is still usually grown locally and grown responsibly. I am a big proponent of sustainability and local food production, but occasionally need to be reminded that those important issues stand somewhat apart from organic food. Organic food can be produced using methods of farming and production that I might not endorse, but technically that does not make the food any less organically certifiable.



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發表於 2012-3-24 22:39:04 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Top123 於 2012-3-24 22:55 編輯



升級   80.15%

發表於 2012-3-24 22:50:38 | 顯示全部樓層
英文字母偶全部都會 但到這會 哇的跨模

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發表於 2012-3-24 22:52:23 | 顯示全部樓層
豬小弟弟 發表於 2012-3-24 22:50
英文字母偶全部都會 但到這會 哇的跨模


升級   80.15%

發表於 2012-3-24 23:09:24 | 顯示全部樓層
年輕人 你不知道 甲老 記底A賣 怎麼補都沒用的 而且一個人掌管記憶的腦容量是有限的 記一些有用的就好 從小到大花在英文的資源 跟你能運用回收的比例有多少 幾千塊買一台翻譯機還比較實在 而且你只要講兩句好話 小書就給你解釋清楚

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發表於 2012-3-24 23:16:19 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Top123 於 2012-3-24 23:19 編輯
豬小弟弟 發表於 2012-3-24 23:09
年輕人 你不知道 甲老 記底A賣 怎麼補都沒用的 而且一個人掌管記憶的腦容量是有限的 記一些有用的就好  ...


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發表於 2012-3-25 12:08:21 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2012-3-25 15:15:40 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Top123 於 2012-3-25 15:17 編輯
蘇少儀 發表於 2012-3-25 12:08



貼英文是讓看得懂的人知道 我不是在唬爛(有的人看不懂,貼別人已中譯的內容..........說了一大篇) 貼英文的內容中重點的部份 我己翻出來了 其他部份,有興趣的人可以自己去弄懂  詳情 回復 發表於 2012-3-25 21:15
只要看到英文就叫湯卡多老大出來就對了 其它的就算了 也不用太深究到底 講沙小 一句話就是:無緣 至於賣不賣弄其實無所謂 可議的是其它的心態  詳情 回復 發表於 2012-3-25 16:17
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